Pupil Premium
Disadvantaged funding is funding received to address the inequalities between disadvantaged pupils, Looked After Children (LAC), children of service personnel and their peers.
The Academy uses this funding to ensure all disadvantaged students achieve their potential and are supported in closing the gap with their peers.
Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to work with pupils who have registered for free school means at any point in the last 6 years.
Malcolm Arnold Pupil Premium Plan 2018/19
A Guide to Pupil Premium
If your child has been eligible for free school meals, their school may also be entitled to receive a sum of money to boost their learning. This guide explains the allocation of the Pupil Premium for Malcolm Arnold Academy and its students.
What is the Pupil Premium?
Introduced in 2011, the Pupil Premium is a sum of money given to schools each year (retrospectively) by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged students.
This is based on research showing that students from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. Research showed that often, students who are entitled to Pupil Premium face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, less family support, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality compared to non-Pupil Premium students. The Pupil Premium is intended to directly benefit the students who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them, their school peers and their peers nationally.
Context at MAA
Ofsted May 2018
- The leadership of the school’s work with disadvantaged pupils is good. As a result, the gaps in achievement between them and other pupils nationally have narrowed rapidly.
- The leadership of the work to support disadvantaged pupils is good. There has been a whole-school focus on improving their attainment and progress, and a variety of strategies have been put in place to ensure that this happens. As a result, disadvantaged pupils are now making good progress across a range of subjects in all year groups.
The Academy’s population of students who qualify for pupil premium changes each year. For each year group there can be 10 students who no longer qualify for pupil premium, but they are replaced by 10 who have moved on from free school meals. This represents between 10% and 14% change of Pupil Premium population per year.
Is your child eligible?
Schools are given a Pupil Premium for:
- Students who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years. The school receives £935 for each of these students.
- Students who have been looked after under local authority care for more than one day. The school is awarded a premium of £2300.
How is it spent at Malcolm Arnold Academy?
Schools can choose how to spend their Pupil Premium money, as they are best placed to identify what would be of most benefit to the students who are eligible.
Common ways in which schools spend their Pupil Premium fund include:
- Extra one-to-one or small-group support for students within the classroom.
- Employing extra teaching assistants to work with classes.
- Running catch-up sessions before or after school, for example for students who need extra help with particular skills.
- Providing extra tuition for able students who receive the Pupil Premium.
- Funding educational trips and visits.
At Malcolm Arnold Academy, Pupil Premium funding will be used to support the following areas identified as barriers to success for Pupil Premium students:
- Inequalities of opportunities, education experiences in the classroom and low expectations.
- Social mobility.
- The gap already in place by the time they reach secondary school.
- 62% of our cohort of students are disadvantaged as they are students who live in the most deprived areas in Northampton and are categorised Polar 3, having an index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) of 0-40%, this accounts for in excess of 700 of our year 7 to 11 cohort.
- Attendance and behaviour.
Financial year |
Amount of pupil Premium Funding |
2018-19 352 (Highest number since 2015/2016) |
£329,120 |
2017-18 344 students |
£321,640 |
2016-17 349 students |
£326,315 |
Impact of PP expenditure 2017-2018
2017-2-18 Non Pupil Premium
2016-17 |
Progress 8
0.128 -0.486 -0.614 |
Attainment 8
41.23 31.96 -9.27 |
Non |
+0.14 |
39.3 |
Pupil Premium |
+0.00 |
36.7 |
-0.14 |
-2.6 |
2015-16 |
Non |
+0.01 |
43.61 |
Pupil Premium |
-0.46 |
38.54 |
-0.45 |
-5.07 |
2018/2019 Action Plan
Desired outcome |
Chosen action/approach |
Evidence and rationale |
Quality of teaching for all |
1. Outstanding teaching and learning opportunities for students. £120000 |
Increased number of Lead Practitioners in core subjects. Lead practitioners to lead on whole school strategic priorities to support subject improvement and work with teachers to improve outcomes. Whole school CPD on supporting the achievement of students. Personalised pathways for staff where gaps have been identified. Numeracy and literacy activities to close the gap in year 7 and other strategies to support in other year groups. Quality of marking and feedback to students is monitored and live marking is further developed. QA of green sheets and outcomes for PP students. |
Teaching is now good – Ofsted May 2018
Improvements in the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by: – ensuring that all teachers translate their planning into challenging and effective learning experiences for all pupils so they all focus fully on their lessons – making sure that all teachers consistently implement the school’s policies to support teaching and learning so all pupils make good progress.
Targeted support |
2. Intervention programmes are monitored so that students close the gaps in their outcomes over the KPIs. £54000 |
Extending the school day; before and after school subject interventions are set up for targeted students at each KPI. RAP meeting are held immediately after each KPI for red flagged subjects. Focus on PP students. Closing the Gap Green Sheets are used by staff to identify barriers to learning and actions for students to make rapid progress after each KPI. Academic monitoring of key groups of students. Monitoring of attendance at interventions and achievement Weekend and holiday intervention for targeted students. |
IMD, 65%+ of students may not have access to suitable support at home, resources at home to support achievement. Fine targeting of students supports rapid improvement in small groups of students.
3. Data is provided to staff in a timely fashion to action intervention where needed. £26000 |
KS3 – all staff have detailed analysis of PP students. Focus on maths, English and science and humanities underperformance in the “Raising the Game” initiative. KS4 “20 is Plenty”, year 11 students identified, PP at the top of the year 11 broadsheet, individual students identified by subject. All PP students RAGed by name for all staff to action. Subject analysis where students are not meeting expectations. Subject underperformance identified and cross referenced to previous underperformance.
“20 is Plenty” is a new initiative to support rapid improvement of students where 20 students are targeted at each KPI so these students can make rapid improvement. These students will be different for each subject and is further supported my named students who are targeted because they are red or amber students across all subjects. |
Other approaches |
4. Increased access to cultural capital so students are aware of opportunities for them. £8 000 |
Links with the University of Nottingham, Scholarship programme for high ability PP students, in years 7, 8 and 9. Links and activities, subject support etc with University of Northampton, linked to our IMD as one of the 8 most disadvantaged schools in Northamptonshire. |
Involvement of universities with students who do not have opportunities raises student aspirations. Student confidence is raised and by supporting students from an early age they experience opportunities that would not otherwise. |
5. Students have access to our outstanding sport and enrichment programme, music enrichment, theatre trips and external visitors. Stem programme of events in place. £90 000
Provision of a range of different enrichment opportunities. |
Outstanding opportunities in sport, enrichment and music give students opportunities they would not have if not provided by the academy. |
6. CEIAG remains a strength of the school and students have full access to a range of opportunities and support. £18 000 |
CEIAG is a strength of the school and will continue to provide drop down careers/enterprise days, and delivery of CEIAG to all year groups. |
Ofsted identified as a strength of the school, to be further developed to provide outstanding access and opportunities for students. |
7. All students are supported to attend school in excess of 92%, behave appropriately for learning so they make rapid progress in their subjects. £62000 |
Intervention and support for student attendance and behaviour. |
Students whose behaviour and attendance is good, achieve at or above their MEG, as they do not miss sequences of lessons and do not miss out on subject delivery. |
£378000, overspend of £48 880 to support students who are identified as living in areas of IMD