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Malcolm Arnold Academy

At Malcolm Arnold Academy we seek to broaden the horizons of each and every one of our students, helping them to achieve at the highest level both academically and in their talents outside the classroom.

Parent Information

At Malcolm Arnold Academy we believe that a strong partnership with parents is extremely important.

Parents and carers can expect certain standards from the academy, and in return, we ask that parents and carers support us with key policies.        

The academy can expect parents and carers to:

  • Support their child’s needs to learn by creating the right environment at home for enquiry and discovery
  • Enable their child to achieve full attendance
  • Encourage their children to promote academy values, such as caring for each other and wearing the uniform correctly


Malcolm Arnold Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. Providing a safe environment for all our students, staff and visitors is at the upmost importance to us.

Our Safeguarding Team- To be updated

Responsible for:

LAC Lead- Marian Crabtree
Prevent Lead- Sarah Walker
Mental Health Lead- Claire Humphries
Onsite an AP- Marian Crabtree
Off Site AP- Marian Crabtree
CEOP- Sarah Walker
Managed Moves- Marian Crabtree


The academy's complaints policy aims to ensure all complaints are listened to, explored and responded to quickly and effectively, and dealt with by an appropriately designated person.

The academy takes seriously any concern or complaint as we believe tackling issues at the earliest possible stage will improve our academy, enhance learning, prevent issues escalating and be in everyone's interests. For more information, please visit our policies page.

Absences during term time

We would like to remind parents and carers of children at the academy that they have a legal obligation regarding school attendance.

Usually, this does not pose a problem.  However, in line with national expectations, Malcolm Arnold Academy is not authorising holidays during term-time.

A holiday taken during term time can result in a Penalty Notice being issued by the local authority imposing a fine on parents.  Details of the authority’s Code of Conduct relating to issue of Penalty Notices can be found on their website:  in the section headed ‘School Attendance, Truancy and Your Child’.


For information on applying for a place at the academy, Please click here.

Key information

Our performance against other schools can be found via the Department for Education’s School Performance Table.

KS4 Performance Data - (2019 Provisional)

Details of academic results for the most recently published examinations series (2019) can be found at the following link,

KS5 Performance Data 

Details of academic results for the most recently published examinations series (2019) can be found at the following link,

Ofsted & Parent View

Our latest Ofsted report can be found here.
 Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

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Term Dates

Term dates can be found by clicking here: