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Malcolm Arnold Academy

At Malcolm Arnold Academy we seek to broaden the horizons of each and every one of our students, helping them to achieve at the highest level both academically and in their talents outside the classroom.


We are committed to giving all students every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards.

We do this by taking account of students’ varied life experiences and needs.  We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all students.  The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our students matter.  This policy helps to ensure that this Academy promotes the individuality of all, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age disability, gender or background.

We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual students, or groups of students.  This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our students.

Inclusion Team

inclusion team.pdf


We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different individuals and groups of students within our Academy. 

  • Girls and boys
  • LGBTQ+ students
  • Minority ethnic groups
  • Children who need support to learn English as an additional language
  • Children with a SEN/D diagnosis
  • Able, gifted and talented children
  • Children who enter the academy in year 7 at below the expected levels in English and Maths
  • Children who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion
  • Students with disabilities
  • Students in receipt of pupil premium
  • Children who are looked after
  • Travellers
  • Students transferring to the Academy at times additional to convention entry phase either from out of area or transferring within the authority.

Interventions, including Phonics 

At Malcolm Arnold Academy we support our most vulnerable learners using a variety of interventions.  

These interventions cover a range of areas to increase confidence, bridge learning gaps and cognitive deficits, to support students to be self-advocates and increase executive functioning.  

The range of interventions available at MAA include but are not limited to. 

Direct instruction corrective reading, this intervention focuses on reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension. 

Vocabulary Enrichment Programme, this intervention focuses on enhancing the understanding and expression of vocabulary and word meanings.   

Language for behaviour and emotions, this intervention focuses on specific skills that are linked to behaviour, such as understanding meaning, verbal reasoning and emotional literacy skills. 

Guided reading sessions to improve confidence, accuracy and fluency.  

Fresh Start , this intervention works on improving word and sound recognition, blending of sounds and graphemes. 

Narrative Intervention Programme, this intervention focuses on enhancing the understanding and expression of stories, it also encourages effective listening and attention skills. 

Purple Mash, an online interactive intervention focusing on basic numeracy and literacy skills, this program supports the understanding and use of numeracy and literacy supporting life skills with the addition of improving typing skills and computer skills.  

Selection of ASD focused interventions looking into social interactions, expected and unexpected behaviours within the wider world, recognising anxiety and coping strategies.  

Selection of ADHD/SEMH focus interventions working on executive functioning and regulation strategies.  

Interventions with TOD working on post and pre teaching, bridging gaps from lessons that may be missed, self-advocacy and management of hearing-impaired equipment. 

Meeting Student Needs

Our students need to play a key part in planning a curriculum to ensure it meets the specific needs of individuals and groups of students.

We meet these needs through:

  • Curricular opportunities for all our students which provides them with access and opportunity to support them in maximising their full potential
  • Setting suitable learning challenges
  • Responding to children’s diverse learning needs
  • Delivering our Curriculum using our warm/strict ethos
  • Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils
  • Commitment to being a community Academy
  • Commitment to develop the ‘Broadening Horizons’ provision
  • Commitment to ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda

We achieve educational inclusion by continually reviewing what we do, through asking ourselves these key questions:

  • Do all our students achieve their best?
  • Are there differences in the achievement of different groups of children?
  • What are we doing for those children who we know are not achieving their best?
  • Are our actions effective?
  • Are we successful in promoting racial harmony and preparing students to live in a diverse society?

Teaching and Learning style

We aim to give all our students the opportunity to succeed and reach the highest level of personal achievement.  We analyse the attainment of different groups of students to ensure they all achieve their full potential.  We also make ongoing assessments of each student’s progress across the curriculum.  All teachers use this information when planning their lessons.  It enables them to consider progress in relation to students’ potential and they can draw comparisons with the student’s performance in their subject as compared to other subject areas.  All students are clear regarding their present performance levels and are set achievable targets.

When the attainment of a student falls below the expected level, teachers enable the students to succeed by planning work that is in line with their individual needs.  Where the attainment of a student significantly exceeds the expected level of attainment, teachers extend the breadth of work within the area or areas for which the child shows particular aptitude.

Teachers are familiar with the equal opportunities legislation covering race, gender and disability.

Teachers ensure that all students:

  • Feel secure and know that their contributions are valued
  • Appreciate and value the differences they see in others
  • Take responsibility for their own actions
  • Are taught in groupings that allow them all to experience success
  • Use materials that reflect a range of social and cultural backgrounds, without stereotyping
  • Have a common curriculum experience that allows for a range of different learning styles
  • Have challenging targets that enable them to succeed
  • Participate fully, regardless of disabilities or medical needs

Provision for students with Special Educational Needs

Malcolm Arnold Academy values all students.  We are fully committed to providing each student opportunities to achieve the highest of standards.  We value the individuality of our students and promote inclusive learning.

Malcolm Arnold Academy’s Special Educational Needs/ Disability department takes responsibility for the inclusion and learning of students with learning difficulties.  From the transition stage in Year 6, we take an active interest in the varied experiences and needs of our students.  We ensure we liaise closely with feeder schools and have an understanding of needs before students arrive in Year 7. Through a well-planned and structured Transition process our students are ready to join our Malcolm Arnold Academy family, feeling fully supported. We offer student the opportunity to visit and meet key members of staff that will be their support network prior to starting. Students spend time familiarising them self with the Academy’s building and operational processes such as timetables and movement around the building.

Malcolm Arnold Academy is fully committed to the ‘Every Child Matters’ principles and the SEN/D Code of Practice 2015.  We work to ensure discrimination in any form is avoided.  We work to remove barriers to learning and participation which can sometimes hinder inclusion.

Malcolm Arnold Academy seeks to assist students both academically and socially so that they may develop skills which are transferrable to all stages of life.  We fully appreciate the different individuals who make up our student body and we promote this irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background.

Learning Support

Some of our students experience difficulty in coping with certain aspects of education.  These can present themselves in aspects of specific difficulties, emotional well-being, behaviour and attendance.  We are able to provide support for students which is tailored to their individual needs and which is reviewed regularly to ensure the support is current and aiding progress.

Such provision includes:

We provide teaching staff with One Page Pupil Profiles for students with identified learning difficulties and have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).  This information is provided by the student, the parents and the staff who work with the students – we encourage all stakeholders to actively contribute to support packages. For students on the SEN/D register information regarding specific high quality teaching and individual barriers to learning are also shared. All students are taught in a classroom setting, allowing them to receive the expert teaching our teachers deliver. If students require support they are encouraged to seek their identified member of the team or use the Symphony Room provision.

It is the expectation of the Academy that teachers modify teaching and learning expectations as appropriate for students with difficulties.  Such modifications could include: additional time to complete tasks, modified resources and consideration of their pace of learning.  Teachers are expected to give students with SEN/D the opportunity to develop skills in all aspects of the curriculum.

The SENDCO leads a team of supporting staff who have experience in a number of specific learning areas such as literacy, numeracy, behaviour and emotional needs.  The team are strong and fully committed to the progress and achievement of all students.

The support team work in a number of varying roles.  Primarily they support students in the classroom ensuring they have full access to the curriculum by liaising with the class teacher and by consulting the available support documents.

Support staff also provide 1:1 intervention for social skills development, behaviour management strategy and providing a break and lunch provision for vulnerable students.

Overall commitment to students

Our aim is to promote the Academy’s belief in ‘Broadening Horizons’ by providing a student focused provision which addresses the needs of our students.  We promise to make every effort to enable students to achieve their aims. Every Student at Malcolm Arnold Academy has a right to access the high quality education being delivered in every lesson. Our Warm, Strict ethos, ensures all students have the opportunity to achieve their academic potential in a calm and structured academic environment.

Disapplication and Modification

The Academy can, where necessary, modify or disapply the National Curriculum and its assessment arrangements.  Our Academy policy is to do this only in exceptional circumstances.  The Academy makes every effort to meet the learning needs of all its students without recourse to disapplication or modification.  We achieve this through greater differentiation of the students’ work and the use of Knowledge Organisers.

In exceptional circumstances we may decide that modification or disapplication is the correct procedure to follow.  We would only do this after detailed consultation with parents.  We would also ensure that every effort had been made to provide the necessary support from within the Academy’s resources before considering such action.


The Academy recognises that bullying takes a number of forms and works actively to promote an understanding that bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  Students are supported to report any incident which they believe may be bullying.  All reported incidents are dealt with and support provided, when appropriate, for both the bully and the victim.

Sexism, racism or any act that is targeted to offend, harm or undermine a group or individual based on belief, background, gender or individuality.

The diversity of our society is addressed through curricular activities.  Teachers are flexible in their planning and offer appropriate challenges to all students, regardless of ethnic or social background.  All incidents of racism or any act which offends or undermines another student or group of students is serious and is dealt with formally.

Annual Inclusion residential trip

11 of our most vulnerable students overcame fears and took on challenges on our 2-day residential last 

week at Adventure 4 you. Activities we participated in were Axe Throwing, Low Ropes, Climbing, Zip Wire

and Paddleboarding. This helped to develop Friendships, Team Building skills, Communication, Resilience and Confidence.

The students gave their all, supported each other and really enjoyed the variety of activities.

Kurt the Owner/Instructor said that "Our student's behaviour was impeccable" and "They all had brilliant

listening skills"

Big Thank you to Kurt, Matt, Liam & Luke for making our stay such a fantastic experience, encouraging us

all to overcome fears and barriers.

We all had an AMAZING TIME!!! at Adventure 4 You, WE CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

Miss Bathe, Miss Conroy & Miss Dent

Food Tech (Cookery)

Pictures of our Life skills programme for our students with Educational Healthcare Plans.

Students have enjoyed learning new personal and cookery skills within the kitchen environment. They have worked well in familiar, unfamiliar groups and individually.

Students have made cupcakes, muffins, chocolate brownies, sausage rolls and pizzas!


Modelling Club

Our New After school Modelling Club with Miss Conroy.

Inclusion students have enjoyed making models using terracotta clay.

Improving fine motor skills and creative independence.



Mental Health

Malcolm Arnold Academy acknowledges that our young people need specialist support to ensure all of their needs are being met.   

To ensure that we have Mental Health provision to support our students, currently we have a 3 tier Mental Health provision, school nurse, school counsellor and the Mental Health Support Team.   

The School Nurse is able to offer students advice regarding basic mental health wellbeing including sleep patterns and routine, eating healthy and general well being.  

The school counsellor supports students five days a week. The support that they offer, includes but is not limited to:  

  • Helping students develop academic plans that match their skills and strengths. 
  • Supporting students to identify their specific barriers and share strategies for positive outcomes. 
  • Supplying a confidential environment where students feel comfortable to share their worries and concerns. 
  • Liaising with the Academy’s Safeguarding Team if any concerns are raised around a student's safety. 
  • Supporting students with accessing professional support if required in the contextual area.  

The Academy also acknowledges that the Covid -19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the Mental Health of young people around the world. To offer an additional layer of support to our students, we have recently developed a partnership with the NHS to support the Mental Health of young people in schools.  

The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) is one of the government's responses to the increase in Mental Health referrals currently being experienced by the NHS. The Academy has built a partnership with the team, and they are currently supporting our World Class Mental Health provision. We now have trained professionals working with the most common Mental Health concerns for young people, low mood, depression and anxiety.   

All students have the opportunity to access the support of the school counsellor or MHST. Please contact the following members of staff if you require further information: 

 School Nurse/School Counsellor: Michelle Ashley 
MHST: Sarah Jayne Walker 

Young Carers 

Who is a Young Carer? 

A young carer is someone aged 18 or under who helps look after a relative who has a condition such as: 

  • A physical disability 
  • A learning disability 
  • A long term illness 
  • A mental health condition, or misuses substances or alcohol. 

The majority of young carers look after one or both of their parents, brother or sister. A young carer might also care for a grandparent or someone else from their extended family. The difference between young carers and other young people who help in the home is that young carers are often responsible for someone else in their family in a way that most other young people aren't. 

What does a Young Carer do? 

A young carer will take on additional responsibilities to those appropriate to their age and development. A young carer might be providing the main care or share responsibilities with another family member. 

The caring tasks that a young carer has to deal with can range from: 

  • Nursing Care – giving medication, injections, helping with mobility, changing dressings 
  • Personal Care – washing, dressing, feeding, helping with toilet requirements 
  • Emotional Care – listening, being a shoulder to cry on, supporting a relative through depression, being there to talk to, monitoring state of emotions 
  • Domestic Care- washing, ironing, shopping, cleaning and cooking. 
  • Financial Care – paying bills sorting out benefits. 
  • Child Care - looking after younger siblings in addition to their caring 
  • What do we do to help? 

We are committed to supporting all our students at Malcolm Arnold Academy and Young Carers are no exception. We are able to offer a variety of avenues of support in school as well as referring to external sources of support and advice. 

Our Young Carers Lead is Miss Ashley who is also one of the Academies Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL). Should students or families wish to explore what we can offer in school or other sources of support and advice, please do not hesitate to contact her. 


Useful Links; 

An online space where those aged under 18 who are caring for a family member or friend can chat, share experiences and access information or advice.