We offer a wide and growing range of co-curricular activities for our students all year round.
We run programmes of full-day activities to ensure that all students in the academy have access to intensive 'real life' experiences.
We hold themed days to help students understand citizenship issues, community service, creative partnerships and other physical, social and health education (PSHE) type experiences. This approach helps students to see how subjects fit together, offers targeted support for students in Years 9 and 11 and gives access to enrichment activities and programmes for all students.
Our day does not end at 3:00pm; it continues to provide education and support for our students. Our co-curricular programme changes every half term to take into account the demands and needs of our students. Please see the full list of activities and experiences available to students below.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
In March 2013, MAA became one of the first academies in the area to become a Duke of Edinburgh licence holder.
This means that students of MAA have the opportunity to participate and complete one of the most diverse, challenging and rewarding educational experiences available. In Year 10, students follow the Bronze programme, while in the Sixth Form; students complete the Silver Award and look at starting the Gold Award. The Duke of Edinburgh allows students to volunteer in the local community and undertake expeditions across the UK.