At Malcolm Arnold, our mission is to broaden the horizons of our pupils through the provision of a broad and knowledge-rich curriculum, which aims to equip our pupils to live full, rich and successful lives. The David Ross Education Trust values are ambition, aspiration, courage and respect. These values underpin the decisions we have made around our curriculum.
Curriculum Aims
“Knowledge is ‘powerful’ if it predicts, if it explains, if it enables you to envisage alternatives” (Michael Young, Knowledge and the Future School)
Our programme of study is rich in powerful knowledge, selected to guide students to find meaning in the world around them, but also to take them beyond their current experiences. We believe all students are capable of achieving with the right support. We owe it to our students to provide them with appropriate levels of challenge and make no apology for this.
“Our role is to ensure that when [students] reach adulthood and join society, they feel like a participant and not a spectator” (Claire Hill and Kat Howard, Symbiosis)
It goes without saying that we support students to succeed in national assessments, so they have what they need for their next steps. However, we want this and more. We also want to support our students to become well-rounded, well-informed, compassionate, curious and knowledgeable adults. We deliver a broad curriculum which introduces students to the beauty of the different subjects, aiming to encourage a lifelong habit of learning and to allow them to engage fully in the wider world.
Curriculum Organisation
We follow a “Curriculum as Progression” model, which means that knowledge builds up through curriculum design, and new knowledge is linked to previously taught content. Each curriculum is mapped from Year 7-13 to develop students’ fluency of core knowledge, and to highlight opportunities to link concepts, themes and threads. This helps smooth transitions between key stages, and strengthen memory.
Key Stage 3
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a broad and balanced curriculum. There is a strong focus on English and Maths, alongside music, drama, art and design, design and technology, PE, religious education, geography, history, French and science.
Key Stage 4
Our Key Stage 4 curriculum, studied in Years 10 and Y11, allows students to study a number of subjects in further depth. We offer different pathways to cater to students’ needs, within the National Curriculum. Students choose their KS4 options during Year 9 and start the courses in September of Year 10.
All students continue studying core subjects: English, Maths, Science, RE and one of the humanities (History or Geography). These are core subjects because they provide a foundation for many post-16 pathways and careers. Most students also study a language. Studying humanities and languages teach students more about the world around us, and therefore, further develop the wider student and the values of respect and courage. All students study a short GCSE course in RE. We are a Church of England School; we are for those of all faiths and none. It is important to us that students learn to be tolerant of other religions in order to be compassionate adults. Finally, students study their option subjects. We offer a wide range of GCSE and BTEC subjects. A full list of subjects currently on offer can be found in the overviews below.
Key Stage 5
At Key Stage 5, students who elect to enter our sixth form can choose from a wide range of A-Level and BTEC courses. A full list of subjects currently on offer can be found in the overviews below. Further information can be found on the Sixth Form pages of our website:
Further Information
Across all Key Stages, we also provide Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE). This encompasses a range of topics including issues such as finances, citizenship and relationships and sex education in an age-appropriate manner.
Our approach to curriculum complies with our equality objectives and regards the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We work to the best of our ability to ensure that all barriers are lifted for students so that they can achieve their full potential and access the curriculum. We encourage all to not only take a full and active part in the lessons, but also to ensure all students have equal opportunity to participate in our enrichment opportunities.
For more information on inclusion and our provision for SEND pupils, please see here:
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge organisers list the core knowledge a student will learn during their study of a topic. We use KOs as part of Prep, where students consolidate their learning at home. Students should complete Prep every day in their Prep books, focusing on topics as directed by their teachers. Throughout our curriculum, students gain knowledge which builds on previous content. A particular knowledge organiser might, therefore, be used across multiple terms.
- KS4 Options Booklet
- PSHE Term 2 Welfare Curriculum
- Year 07 Curriculum Overview
- Year 08 Curriculum Overview
- Year 09 Curriculum Overview
- Year 10 Curriculum Overview
- Year 11 Curriculum Overview
- Year 12 Curriculum Overview
- Year 13 Curriculum Overview
Our students also benefit from an additional and extensive enrichment programme that runs throughout the week after the school day ends. Here they can experience new sports and activities outside of their normal learning experience, supporting the development of their confidence, creativity and independence.
As a David Ross Education Trust (DRET) academy we believe that enrichment can help to enhance performance and teach life skills that will equip our students for an ever-changing world. Our enrichment programme is carefully selected to equip young people with additional experiences and skills that will not only give them a head start in their adult life but also enhance their CVs, applications and interviews in competitive careers and higher education markets. For more information please visit our enrichment page by clicking here.
David Ross Education Trust and British Values
The Trust is very supportive of the ethos of promoting British Values, and preparing our students for success in a modern Britain.
A heavy reliance is placed upon broadening horizons for each and every child and this includes developing the core skills of tolerance, respect, teamwork, resilience and building self esteem. These are all values and qualities that we feel are relevant in order to play a full and meaningful role in society, and are promoted via our extensive house system that lends itself to cultural and sporting competition, democratic principles, social mixing, the development of greater pastoral care and enhanced PSHE.
Contact Us
If you require any additional information about the curriculum at Malcolm Arnold Academy please contact Ms Richardson via
If your query relates to a specific subject, please email, stating the subject, and marking your email for the attention of the head of subject.