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Malcolm Arnold Academy

At Malcolm Arnold Academy we seek to broaden the horizons of each and every one of our students, helping them to achieve at the highest level both academically and in their talents outside the classroom.


Applications for Malcolm Arnold are made though the Northamptonshire County Council website.

Our admissions criteria

After the admission of pupils with special education needs (SEN) where the academy name is stated, we apply the criteria below (the most important is listed first):

  • Children in Public Care
  • Faith grounds - up to 120 places will then be allocated to those expressing a preference for admission on faith grounds
  • Musical aptitude - up to 24 students may be admitted on the basis of their aptitude for music, reflecting one of the academy's specialisms
  • Community grounds - The remaining places will be allocated according to this criterion
  • You can apply for a place at Malcolm Arnold Academy using the Common Application Form (CAF) provided by the local authority. We use the Northamptonshire local authority's timetable for applications. For more information, please see our admissions policy.


There will be a right of appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel for applicants denied admission.

Where in any year the Malcolm Arnold Academy receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate until 31st December. This will be maintained by the Academy Trust and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application.

Year 7 Waiting List

Malcolm Arnold Academy will hold a waiting list for entry to Year 7 until 31st December.

After this date the waiting list will be dissolved.  In-year admissions will be through the in-year application process administered by Northampton County Council.

Music Scholarship Applications

To apply for a place at Malcolm Arnold Academy through a Music Scholarship, parents/carers must complete a Musical Aptitude application form as well as the Common Application Form (CAF).

The process is as follows: 

  • Complete a Common Application Form (CAF) and return it to your local authority
  • Apply for a musical aptitude test and Beckwith scholarship
  • Applications to be made online via
  • Aptitude testing will take place at the academy
  • There will be no further test days after the application deadline.
  • Parents will be notified of the result of aptitude testing.

music scholarships and beckwith scholarships.pdf

Sixth Form Admissions:

We welcome applications from any student who feels that they can fulfil our admissions criteria and would benefit from joining our Sixth Form.

Please contact the Academy in person at Visitors' Reception, or by phoning 01604 778000, or by emailing to request an application form.  This will be followed by an informal interview (with the applicant and parent/carer) to discuss subject choices and university and/or career plans.  Feel free to also use these points of contact if you have any further questions or queries.

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